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Our corporate law services

Corporate law is a specialized legal field that governs the formation, operation, commercial advice and planning strategies . It encompasses various legal aspects, including contracts, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property, employment law, and compliance. In short, It’s the legal framework that shapes how businesses operate.

Advice on the formation and incorporation of companies.

As a law firm with extensive corporate experience and specialization in the formation and incorporation of companies, we have had the opportunity to thoroughly analyze the complexities and challenges that businesses and entrepreneurs face in the current Panamanian economy.

Our law firm is fully dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and business people navigate the legal maze involved in forming a new corporation in Panama. We understand that each company is unique and therefore requires a personalized approach to its establishment and maintenance.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

Advice on the choice of entity type

We know that one of the most important decisions in forming a corporation is deciding what type of entity is most suitable. Whether it’s a corporation, a limited liability company (LLC), an anonymous society (S.A.), or another type of entity, we are here to advise based on your needs and business objectives.

Preparation and submission of documents

We prepare all the necessary documents for the formation of your corporate entity and we take care of submitting them to the corresponding authorities to establish a company in Panama.

Creation of operating agreements and statutes

We help design operating agreements and statutes that fit your needs and protect your corporate interests.

Regulatory compliance

We ensure that your corporation is up to date with all regulatory and legal obligations in Panama.

Company Formation

Simplify the process with our professional incorporation services.

Contract drafting and revision of commercial agreements.

As an international law firm in Panama with a  background and specific expertise in corporate contract drafting, we have had the opportunity to delve into the intricate complexities and challenges that corporate entities and entrepreneurs encounter in today’s Panamanian marketplace.

Our corporate law firm is wholeheartedly committed to assisting business people and entrepreneurs in maneuvering through the legal intricacies involved in the drafting and revision of commercial agreements in Panama.

We understand that each corporate contract is unique and hence requires a tailored approach for its drafting and subsequent revisions.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

Drafting of commercial agreements

We recognize that the foundation of every corporate transaction lies in the contract. Whether it’s a sales agreement, a lease, a service contract, or any other type of commercial agreement, we provide careful and detailed drafting to protect your interests and facilitate your business operations.

Revision of commercial agreements

Our expertise isn’t just limited to drafting contracts for your corporations. We also provide thorough revision services, examining every clause and provision to ensure legal soundness and that your interests are adequately protected.

Negotiation of contract terms

Contracts are a delicate balance of give-and-take, and we are here to represent your interests in these negotiations. We aim to ensure that the terms of the agreement are favorable to you and consistent with your corporate goals.

Regulatory compliance

We ensure that all your contracts comply with the relevant legal and regulatory provisions in Panama. This includes not just the letter of the law, but also the latest interpretations and rulings.

If you are contemplating entering into a corporate commercial agreement or need advice on managing legal aspects of your existing contracts, we invite you to get in touch with us.

Contract Drafting Services

Let our experienced lawyers handle your commercial agreements.

Mergers & acquisitions reviews

Our firm is fully dedicated to assisting corporate entities and entrepreneurs in navigating the legal complexities involved in merging with or acquiring other businesses in Panama.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

We believe that thorough review is the key to a successful corporate M&A deal. We examine each aspect of the transaction, from the financials to the legal implications, to ensure legality, fairness, and value for all parties involved.

Due diligence

Our team conducts exhaustive due diligence to uncover any potential risks or liabilities in corporate transactions, ensuring that you have all the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Negotiation of terms

Corporate mergers and acquisitions are a balance of interests and we are here to represent you in these negotiations. We aim to ensure that the terms of the agreement are favorable to you and in line with your business objectives.

Regulatory compliance

We ensure that all your corporate M&A transactions comply with the relevant legal and regulatory provisions in Panama. We stay abreast of the latest laws, interpretations, and rulings to ensure your transactions are legally sound.

If you are considering a corporate merger or acquisition, or need advice on legal aspects of your existing M&A strategies, we invite you to contact us.

Establishing and maintaining corporate

We have had the opportunity to meticulously analyze the complexities and challenges that corporations and entrepreneurs face in today’s Panamanian corporate landscape.

Our law firm is fully committed to guiding corporate entities and entrepreneurs through the legal labyrinth involved in establishing and maintaining corporate governance in Panama. We understand that each corporation is unique and thus requires a personalized approach to its corporate structure and conduct.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

Corporate structure advice

We recognize that a corporation’s structure can greatly impact its operations and success. Whether it’s a public or private corporation, a subsidiary, or any other type of corporate entity, we provide detailed and insightful advice to help establish and maintain an effective corporate structure.

Corporate governance policies

Our expertise extends to the drafting, revision, and implementation of corporate governance policies. We ensure that these policies are not only compliant with Panamanian corporate law but also contribute to the corporation’s efficiency and integrity.

Board and shareholder meetings

We provide guidance on the legal aspects of conducting board and shareholder meetings in accordance with corporate law. This includes drafting of meeting notices, preparation of agendas, and ensuring compliance with voting procedures.

Regulatory compliance

We ensure that your corporation is up-to-date with all corporate law and governance obligations in Panama. This includes both statutory obligations and best practices in corporate governance.

If you are considering establishing a corporation or need advice on managing the legal aspects of your existing corporation’s governance, we invite you to get in touch with us.

Set Up Your Corporate Today

Get legal help to form and maintain your corporation.

Regulatory compliance and business regulation advice

We understand that each business, each industry, is unique, and therefore necessitates a tailored approach to its regulatory compliance and risk mitigation strategy.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

Compliance program development

We recognize that a robust compliance program is the cornerstone of any corporate entity’s commitment to operating within the bounds of the law. We provide expert advice and assistance in developing compliance programs that align with your corporate goals while ensuring adherence to all relevant regulations.

Regulatory advice

Our expertise spans the entire spectrum of Panamanian business regulation. Whether your corporation is navigating environmental laws, labor laws, financial regulations, or any other type of regulatory framework, we are here to provide clear and practical advice.

Risk mitigation

Part of regulatory compliance involves identifying and mitigating potential risks. We provide strategies and solutions to help your corporation anticipate potential regulatory pitfalls and take proactive steps to mitigate these risks.

Compliance audits

We ensure that your corporation is not only up to date with all relevant regulations but also maintains a strong and effective compliance posture. We offer compliance audits that review your corporation’s adherence to its regulatory obligations and the effectiveness of its compliance program.

If you are in the process of setting up a company or need advice on managing the regulatory compliance aspects of your existing corporation, we invite you to contact us.

Resolve Your Commercial Disputes

Let our legal team handle your commercial litigation.

Resolution of commercial disputes and corporate litigation

We understand that each dispute is unique and, as such, requires a personalized approach to its resolution.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

Commercial dispute resolution

We understand that disputes can disrupt your business operations and damage your corporate reputation. Whether it’s a contract dispute, a shareholder dispute, or any other type of commercial disagreement, we strive to find efficient and fair solutions that protect your corporate interests.

Corporate litigation

Our expertise extends to all aspects of corporate litigation. From preparing pleadings to representing your corporation in court, we provide comprehensive legal services to ensure your corporation’s rights are defended and interests are protected.

Negotiation and mediation

As part of our dispute resolution services, we offer negotiation and mediation services. We believe in exploring all avenues of dispute resolution to find the most beneficial and cost-effective solution for your corporation.

Regulatory compliance

We ensure that your corporation’s approach to dispute resolution complies with all relevant regulations and laws in Panama. This includes not only the rules of civil procedure but also the laws governing specific types of disputes.

If you are currently dealing with a corporate dispute or need advice on managing the legal aspects of dispute resolution for your corporation, we invite you to reach out to us.

Labor law and advice on labor relations

We are devoted to supporting corporate entities in understanding and navigating the legal intricacies of labor law and labor relations in Panama. We acknowledge the unique nature of each labor relationship within a corporate setting and advocate for tailored solutions to maintain a balanced and healthy working environment.

Our services include, but are not limited to:

Labor law advisory

We understand the critical role labor laws play in shaping the workplace. Be it for drafting employment contracts, understanding wage laws, or navigating labor regulations, we provide comprehensive advice to ensure compliance and fairness.

Employee relations counsel

Maintaining healthy relationships between employers and employees is essential for a productive and positive workplace. We offer guidance on fostering such relationships while ensuring the protection of workers’ rights.

Dispute resolution

Workplace disputes can disrupt operations and impact morale. We offer proficient dispute resolution services, from negotiation and mediation to representation in labor tribunals, with the goal of reaching fair and timely resolutions.

Regulatory compliance

We work to ensure that all your labor practices align with the relevant labor laws and regulations in Panama. This includes adhering to statutory obligations and promoting best practices in labor relations.

Legal Advice on Labor Relations

Let our legal team assist you with labor law matters.


These services reflect our commitment to supporting corporations in all aspects of their legal needs, from inception to daily operations, and through any challenges that may arise. Our aim is to ensure that your corporation not only operates within the law but also thrives in the complex world of corporate business.

We invite corporations seeking legal guidance in any of these areas to reach out to us. Together, we can navigate the legal landscape, ensuring your corporation’s operations are not only legally sound but also strategically positioned for success. Your success is our priority, and we are committed to providing the necessary legal support to achieve it.